November Notes

October seemed to pass by rather quickly. It was fantastic being able to get outside to enjoy the fall weather for most of the month, return to SACA kickboxing, Social Thinkers, Sunshine Circle and Music with Mr. Roset. I just wish time would slow down!!

November is shaping to have lots going on as well. I am hopeful that the weather holds, and we are still able to sneak outside daily.

The school will be closed on Friday November 11,2022 to observe Remembrance Day. We will re-open on Monday November 14, 2022.

Our speech services are in the school on a regular and consistent basis each week. We ask that if you are using them that you check with either Mrs. O or Mrs. Muryn to find out when your services are each week. It would also be beneficial to discuss with the EA’s the hours that they work so your child can benefit from the service they provide.

Everyone needs indoor shoes now. Make sure your child has ONLY 1 pair of indoor shoes for the classroom; some are still wearing one pair inside and out and winter boots cannot be worn inside. It is best that items are labeled to avoid mix ups. It is a great habit for the children to get into by changing their footwear each morning.

Please dress your child properly to go outside-we will continue to go out as long as we can; however, many had no warm coats, hats or mittens or socks last month which prevents us from going outside as a group. We will give you a heads up when to send snow pants.

When the mornings are cooler it is a good idea to have a sweater or hoodie on your child’s hook. The children cannot wear their coats in the classroom because they are bulky and interfere with using the lessons properly.

***If anyone needs to do planning for December, we will be open regular hours on Thursday December 22nd, 2022 then closed from December 23rd until January 3, 2023. On December 23rd we need to close to remove the flooring from the toddler room and preschool area. The floor is lifting in various spots and needs to be replaced for the safety of the children and staff. The contractors are scheduled to be in the school the week between Christmas and New Year’s to replace it.

All elementary schools will dismiss for Christmas break on different days this year, please let us know if your child will be absent December 20-23. This makes it easy to keep track of illness.

With all elementary schools returning on January 9th ,2023 we would appreciate knowing if your child will be at home with siblings. This makes it easy to keep track of illness as well.

Hope this helps with your planning for the month of December.

Have a great month. Please keep an eye on our Instagram account for quick updates.

Sickness at School

Our program, and all licensed childcares in Alberta are governed by ratios. This means that we must always maintain the minimum required child-staff ratio during the day. If the staff continue to get sick (from the children coming in when they are under the weather) then we will be faced with 2 scenarios. The first being we close completely until all staff are well. The second being we limit the number of children allowed into the program which would look like having 4 staff and 24 children in attendance. Neither of which I would like to have to execute. To avoid these, we ask that you keep your children at home until they are well enough to participate in regular day activities.

Please do not bring your child to school when they are sick. Not only is this not fair to your child, but to the other children and the staff. We do our best to clean/disinfect everything every day, and to have the children wash their hands often. A sick child can spread their germs to other children and other staff very quickly. One child’s cold or runny nose may be another child’s bronchitis, asthma attack, or worse. We must be over-cautious to protect all the children and staff. Your cooperation in these health matters is greatly appreciated.

All children in attendance must be able to participate in all areas of the program, both indoors and out. If a child becomes ill or injured during the day, parents/guardians will be contacted to decide for their child to be picked up.

A parent will be contacted to pick up a sick child when the child exhibits any of the following symptoms at Medicine Hat Montessori Preschool:

  • Fever (100 degrees F/38.3 C or higher).
  • Your child has vomited for any reason (this includes but not limited to flu, food poisoning, upset/crying, bad cough, too much food or juice etc.).
  • Diarrhea- 2 very loose stools in one day or if the first one is severe enough to run out of the diaper/underwear.
  • Undiagnosed rash.
  • If they have a clear runny nose that drains all day, and they are unable to wipe their own nose properly as needed. This is especially true for the toddlers and younger children that do not wipe their own noses. It is best to stay at home.
  • A bad or uncontrolled cough that does not allow your child to participate in normal daily activities or they cannot cover their mouth and are coughing on lessons or their peers.
  • Difficulty breathing or wheezing.
  • Their eye(s) is pink/red with white/yellow/green discharge, or it their eye lids are matted with dried goop, redness of the eyelid or skin surrounding the eye. If these are due to allergies, we need a doctor’s note saying it is not pink eye.

24 Hour Policy

Our policy is to have ill children be symptom free for 24 hours before they return to class. The 24 hours begins when your child’s fever has broken and remains in a normal range.

Sick Siblings

If your child has something contagious (they are sick), and the sibling needs to stay home as. We understand that it is difficult to watch a healthy and sick child, but this is the best way to stop the germs from spreading back into the school. Even if they are not sick themselves, they could be a carrier for the germs the sibling has.

Return to School

If your child is too sick to run around outside or be involved in day-to-day activities, then they are too sick to come to school. If your child is too upset or lethargic to participate in the daily activities or keeps falling asleep, they need to stay home. It is not fair to the group to have one child stop their normal routine. I understand you need to go to work and do your job. Please understand your child is not my only student enrolled at Montessori Preschool; I need to do my job also.

Medicine Hat Montessori Preschool reserves the right to refuse care if your child has not been symptom free for the past 24 hours. Please do not put us on the spot by bringing a sick child in only to be told to take them back home. This makes us feel uncomfortable and can also spread unwanted germs.

If you are not sure, please call. We understand that all parents need to work, but your child’s health is important to us. Likewise, keeping our staff and all the other children free from illness is equally as important to us. You should be aware that any time a new child is introduced to the group, colds and other minor illnesses are likely to occur until everyone’s immune systems have adjusted to the new exposures.

We greatly appreciate your help in keeping everyone healthy!


September went very well. We have had some germs floating around, some tears, lots of laughs and even more fun. It was the best September we have had in a while so I am very happy to be off to a positive start.

There are items to update you on:

The school is closed on Monday October 10th for Thanksgiving.

We will be closed on Friday November 11th, to observe Remembrance Day (for future reference). We are open all that week; however, most school districts are closed either 3 or 5 days that week.

Please call or text if your child is sick so we can keep on top of illness. As a reminder, children (and siblings) do need to stay out for a minimum of 24 hours once symptoms subside. We have done well in September and if we all work together, October will be even better!!

Speech professionals are beginning to come on a regular basis for the children on their caseload. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the services your child is receiving.

MHCBE aide for 2022-2023 is Myrna Muryn.

SD#76 aide for 2022-2023 is Dixie Onheliger.

The kindergarten program in underway and we have had a month to establish a routine and get accustomed to one another. I think we are starting to figure out a balance. This routine gets easier as the weather gets colder, and we are inside. We are moving along nicely!

Our extra activities:

Monday-SACA Kickboxing 10:45am

Tuesday-Social Thinkers (4–5-year-olds) 1:15pm

Wednesday-Sunshine Circle (everyone but toddlers) 10:30am

Thursday-Music for everyone 10:45am

All children now need inside shoes for the classroom. It is important to have footwear that fits and is appropriate for inside. We discourage flip-flops, big headed slippers, or clunky /heeled shoes because the children tend to trip or step on other toes or fingers and hurt one another (by accident). Please label them for easy identification. Changing footwear in the morning is an easy transition to the day as well as an independent skill that all these children do during the day (even toddlers) so please support and encourage your child to change their footwear in the morning.

Make sure your child has appropriate outdoor wear for the coming months. We plan to be outside if we can, and they need proper coats, hats and mittens for walks or playing in the playground. It is best to keep a pair of little (thin) mittens and a toque at school for the cooler days. Again, please label items. The girls may want to keep a pair of leggings at school for cooler days if they are wearing a dress or skirt and everyone may want a hoodie or sweater for cooler mornings in the school.

Picture Day is Wednesday October 5th and Thursday October 6th. Please check the lists in the front entrance.

Our new sign is up and it’s beautiful!! Thank you to Melissa at Flag 5 and Boylan’s for their hard work.

The website is coming, maybe this month there will be more time to launch it!!

If you are going to be having someone else pick up your child, please let a staff member know prior to them arriving. This makes it easier when your child is being picked up. We like to get to know your extended family, so they feel welcome when they arrive.

We are working on a plan for Halloween at the end of the month. Tentatively we will pumpkin carve on Monday the 31st and the children can wear their costumes that day. Once things are confirmed then I will let you know.

Mrs. Jaime Lehr has accepted an EA position at Irvine School. This will be starting October 3rd. Miss Hayley and Miss Cook will be changing their schedules slightly to help out while we find someone new.

I am sure there will be other additions as the month progresses. Please check back to keep up to date with us.

September 2022 is Approaching

Happy end of August!

We look forward to a wonderful year of learning, laughing, and making memories. The summer has gone extremely well, not to mention extremely quickly but we are ready to take on the new school year.

We are going to get started with the easy stuff… refresher for everyone.

PARKING: Our neighbors would be pleased if their driveways do not get blocked during drop off and pick up and likewise the garbage collector would like a clear path down the alley to travel.

ARRIVAL: Please be sure to latch the gate when you come through it as sometimes it will not close completely and wee want to ensure everyone remains safe. Likewise, we discourage the children from hanging on the gate, jumping off the bench and grabbing at the windchimes from the bench for safety reasons. Parents also must enter the building with their children each day, this gives us a moment to connect and answer any questions or get details of anything that may affect your child’s day.

HOURS: The school opens at 7:45 am and it closes at 5:15pm. We ask that parents be mindful of these times. We are NOT allowed to open prior to 7:45 am due to licensing regulations.

OUR WORKDAY: We would greatly appreciate all children at the school by 9:00 am. It is disruptive to the work cycle of the rest of the group when children arrive late, not to mention they miss out on the valuable time in the classroom with the lessons and their peers. The morning work time is a key to their learning and development. If you are running late or have an appointment to run to please call and let us know what time to expect you. If your child is accessing the PUF program through either school board it is extremely beneficial that they attend during the time their aide is contracted. This is key to the success of their learning and the EA’s are generally contracted for 3 hour blocks of time at the school.

KINDERGARTEN: We aim to start our day at 8:30am and it ends after snack in the afternoon. Each kindergarten child will have a more detailed note sent home on their first day.

WHAT TO BRING: All children need inside shoes for the classroom. It is important to have footwear that fits and is appropriate for inside. We strongly discourage flip-flops, big headed slippers, or clunky /heeled shoes because the children tend to trip. Please label them for easy identification, only 1 pair of shoes is needed, or else bags overflow onto the floor. They need a hat for outside and extra set of clothing to be stored in the bathroom in case of spills or accidents.

Each child will need their own labelled water bottle. These will be sent home on Friday (or your child’s last day) each week for cleaning.

The front entrance gets too congested with backpacks. We kindly ask that they stay at home to allow for more space. Everything your child will need in a day can be placed in the white bag that is on their hook (hat, shoes)

The younger preschool children are closer to the front door and the older ones are further down the line. We feel the older children are more independent to get their coats off and shoes on in the morning and this was a good solution. The younger children who need more assistance are closer to the door where parents can assist. Staff will be at the front entrance and can assist when and where needed.

A toddler staff member will greet the toddlers at the front door as well. They will assist you by taking their lunch, coat etc. and taking them to their classroom. We have found this an easier transition for the children. At the end of the day toddler families are welcome to come into their classroom to get their child and speak with the teachers about their day.

SIGNING IN: Your child is signed in and out on our computer program.

OUTDOOR ATTIRE: Make sure your child has appropriate outdoor wear for the coming month. We plan to be outside if we can, and everyone needs proper coats, hats and footwear for walks or playing in the playground. Socks and runners are the best, they protect against blisters and give proper foot.

OUTDOOR TIME: We will be using a combination of time in the playground and going for walks. We strongly believe in having the children physically active during the day.

BATHROOM BINS: Each child needs 1 set of extra clothing for their bathroom bag. We have Ziploc bags for clothing so it can be labelled and stored accordingly. If your child has an accident and we do not have clothing, we will be contacting you to bring some to us. Families with toddlers or children being trained are asked to check to see if there are enough wipes and diapers for your child. Toddlers also need extra clothing in case of spills or food messes.

SICK KIDS: Please call (403-526-7966) or text (403-928-5160) if your child is sick or not coming to school for any reason. We want everyone to stay healthy and appreciate everyone’s cooperation in keeping sick children at home. Please refer to your Parent Handbook for more detailed information about when to stay home.

LUNCH BOXES: Please place them on the shelf in the front entrance when you arrive. We also do not have a microwave. Thermos’ are welcome for hot food for your child. Morning snack is 10:15-10:30 am, afternoon snack is 3:15-3:30 pm and lunch is served at 12:00 pm. The toddlers will be eating earlier to get down for a nap.

Kindergarten children will bring their lunches to their classroom upstairs. They eat in their classroom for both snack and lunch.

The weekly snack menu is posted in the front entrance on the parent board as well as on our Instagram account.

Lunch time can be very hectic, and it is also a time for socialization, independence, and manners. All staff encourage your child to try the foods that are sent, encourage them to use appropriate table manners and etiquette (drinking from cups, using spoons and forks, cleaning up after themselves or spills) and to be independent in handling Ziploc bags, containers and getting their food out (not the toddlers). Do not be alarmed if lunches come home only half eaten this month. Eating in a group of 20+ can be distracting and often they run out of time because they are too busy visiting with the children at their table. In time they will eat and visit and more of the lunch will be gone at the end of the allotted time at the school. Please keep this in mind when packing lunches for your child. It is a good idea to add an ice pack to your child’s lunchbox to keep yogurt, cheese, sandwiches etc. cool before lunchtime.


KEEPING IN TOUCH: The school number is 403-526-7966, or reach us via e-mail at Mrs. Weimer can be texted at 403-928-5160.

MONTHLY FEES: Payment of fees are due on the 1st of each month unless arranged with Mrs. Weimer. Parents are welcome to give post-dated cheques or do e-transfers each month. The e-transfer address is There is no password required. A tax receipt is given out at the end of the year. If you are unsure of the amount that you owe, you can call, or text Mrs. Weimer and she will let you know the amount for the month.

SUPPLY FEE: The yearly family $60.00 supply fee is due in September. It can be lumped into your monthly fee and sent as a whole.

 LATE FEE: This fee is applied to monthly fees that are received after the 1st of the month. It is $5.00 per day for fees being late.

SUBSIDY: All families using subsidy are to keep in contact with the subsidy office. It is your responsibility to inform them of changes to your information. Failure to comply may result in subsidy being cancelled. Any unpaid amounts are the responsibility of the parent who applied for subsidy. They have changed the family threshold to $179,999.00 so I encourage everyone to look into the online subsidy calculator to see if you are eligible for this program.

FIELDTRIPS/CLASSROOM VISITORS: We will be returning to our regular programs of music and social thinkers. These will start later in September or early October. The older children will be returning to SACA for kickboxing.

We are looking into fieldtrips and will keep you informed as they are arranged.

SCHOOL PHOTOS: I am pleased to announce Kim Bratvold will be taking our photos this year. They are booked for October 5th and 6th. Kim will be dropping off information in September for each family.


Toddler Room: Miss Danika and Miss McKenna

Preschool Room: Miss Garrecht, Mrs. Wilcox, Miss Cook, Mrs. Lehr, Miss Hayley

Kindergarten: Mrs. Weimer

Educational Assistants: Mrs. Onheliger, Mrs. Muryn

Mrs. Cook will fill in where needed.

Miss Kayla will be moving to Edmonton. Her last day at the school was Friday August 26th.

There will be more information coming as it is released. I will do my very best to update families via email, text, Instagram or on the Blog. I encourage you to reach out at any time if you have questions or concerns. It is very important to have open honest lines of communication to make this work.

We are looking forward to a great year….let’s get it started

August 2022 is Here Already!

Oh, my where did July go?? I had plans of having it this done sooner but time has slipped away this month.

It’s August which means half of our summer is gone and we are looking at September sneaking in right around the corner. Time to get organized!!

Here are the few things we need to fill you in on for August:

-August e-transfers need to be sent for the month.

-We are closed Monday August 1st, 2022, to observe Heritage Day-enjoy your long weekend.

-We are closed August 1-5, 2022, for school holidays.

-Please remember hats and water bottles for your child and please have them sun screened as well so they are ready for outside in this heat. When we return in August, we will monitor the heat. If it is too hot. then we will re-arrange our day in order to be sun safe!

-First day for Montessori Kindergarten is Wednesday September 1st, 2022 at 8:30am.

-Please check with your school boards (calendars are on-line) to confirm when your child returns to school for school age children. Kindergarten parents need to be aware that kindergarten at big school likely does not start until later in September. We are full each day to our license capacity so we will not have availability for extra days during staggered entry at big school. Please do not assume we have space for your child on their big school days.

-We will be saying good-bye to many of our children this month as they prepare for big school. It has been an honor to watch your child grow, to get to know each family over the years and we hope you keep in touch! There will also be many new faces joining us in August for trial days and then starting regularly in September.

-The yearly family supply fee is due on September 1st. It is $60.00 and can be e-transferred or paid in cash or by cheque. It is 1 payment per family not per child.

-A fee increase will take affect September 1. There will be notices going home early in August to reflect September fees.  Following the guidelines set out for us by the Ministry of Social Services and the Affordability Grant we are allowed to increase fees once a year at a rate of 3%. This works out to a $27.00 increase. A late fee of $5.00 per day goes into effect on fees paid late as of the 2nd of each month.

-We will be having Kim Bratvold taking the school pictures. The dates are being worked out as we speak!

-Music will be returning in mid/late September. We are working on details with a new music teacher.

-Social Thinkers will be returning in October.

-SACA Kickboxing will return in mid September.

-Sensational Path will be booked for the children once the school year begins.

-Last summer Melissa at Flag 5 worked her creative magic and created a logo for the school. With any luck we will be able to get the website up and running among other things. We will be letting you know when we have things up and running.

Have a great August! Please watch the blog and Instagram in August as more information about the coming year will be added as they develop such as testing days, or other information you will need to know to get the year going

July Is Here!!

We would like to extend an enormous thank you to the families for the treats, flowers, gift cards and beautiful cards you have dropped off in the last few days of June. We greatly appreciate them and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Over the next 8 weeks you will be seeing more of some staff and less of others!

Miss Garrecht, Mrs. O, Miss Kayla, Miss Danika, Miss Cook and Mrs. Weimer will be here on a full-time basis except for their holidays.

Miss McKenna Lehr is joining our team in the Toddler room. She will be working along Miss Danika and Mrs. O. She is working on her Level 1 and is looking forward to working with the younger group of children.

Miss Emily will be joining the staff part-time this summer in the main classroom. She will be helping cover holidays for the other girls.

Mrs. Wilcox and Miss Whelan are away for the summer. You may see them here and there covering holidays for others but for the most part they will be enjoying the summer at home with their children.

As of this minute Mrs. Stone’s contract with MH Catholic Board has expired and she will be working at another center this fall. Mrs. Lehr’s contract has also expired with SD #76. We will keep you posted on the EA situation once wee are closer to September.

The children will try to beat the heat and be in the playground early in the morning and inside during the heat of the day. There will likely not be any walks happening if the temperatures get hot. We don’t want anyone overheating.

However, when the weather cooperates, the walks are for both groups. We do not have the staffing manpower to leave 1 child behind for one reason or another. Please make sure they are dressed appropriately: hat, footwear (no flip-flops) and a water bottle. These items will aid in the success of a walk on any day. Please send a hoodie or sweater for your child as there are certain areas in the classroom that do get chillier than others and the children are cooler when they are sitting doing their lessons.

The exception to the rule may be the toddler group. We have new toddlers joining the mix and the playground may be used in lieu of walks.

Our routine does vary a little bit in the summer; however, we do like the children to be at school as close to 9 as possible. Please call if you are running late or if your daily plans have changed.

Please apply sunscreen prior to coming to school. This task takes an hour and is not as fun as you would think! We will re-apply after lunch if we are going back outside.

Hats and water bottles are your responsibility. If your child does not have them, we will not be providing additional ones. Please label and bring these items for your child so they can enjoy the summer fun.

The girls will be working on some themes and activities for the summer-we will keep you posted of upcoming events both on the blog, Instagram, and the white board in the entrance.

We will plan outings as the summer goes along. We have looked into some additional activities and are waiting for confirmation and availability.

During the day, if you come to the school and find the door locked you will be able to access the children and the playground at the side of the building. It leads to the playground, and we can let you into the school to pick up lunchboxes. Now that we have developed the side yard and the children will have access to these activities it is VERY important that the gate is always latched tightly.

Please do not allow your child to climb or swing on the gate, it is starting to get sprung and is not always latching securely. Likewise, we re strongly encouraging the children to stay off the guards over the window wells.

If you are using the subsidy system, it is your responsibility to maintain your hours, or you will have to pay the unpaid portion to us. If this is your child’s last month of care, they need to have the amount that they are subsidized for (generally 100 hours). I will be watching the number of hours over the month.

Hardly anyone has spare clothing. If you could replenish those bags with summer clothing that would be great. The children do have water activities outside and often get soaked, along with day to day accidents.

Have a happy and healthy summer!!

June 2022, We Are Ready For You!!

June is upon us. The 2nd busiest month of the school year!!

-Each graduate will be having their cap and gown sent home with instructions for their front porch ceremony, date, and time. These worked very well the last 2 years and were well received by everyone. It is a much more personalized ceremony and the children are generally less nervous about being on stage.

-Please make sure your child has a hat at school. We are hoping to get outside everyday this month. It is important that your child is protected from the sun and is wearing proper footwear. Runners and socks are the best for tiny feet: it is more comfortable, less smelly and a safer option to avoid blisters when we are out and about.

-We did not have any issues with the sunglasses during walks so this is something that I would like to continue with through the next few months.

-The older children will begin taking their water bottles on walks in the afternoons now that the weather is warmer. It is extremely helpful if the children have smaller water bottles with handles that they can independently use and carry. We have found that the bigger water bottles get too heavy for them and often get dropped and broken. As always please label them for easy identification.

-I will be sending home notices to each family to reflect the fees for the summer and fall as many of you are adjusting days of attendance. If there are any errors with days, please let me know and I will fix it. Families using the subsidy system are still reminded to maintain hours through the summer in order to have full coverage; it is your responsibility to pay the difference.

-Make sure your child has a full and healthy lunch. They have been working up an appetite on their morning walks and when they return at lunch they are famished!!

-With the warmer days the lunches need to have an ice pack put inside to keep them cold and maintain freshness of the food.

-We aim to leave for walks by 10:00, please come on time to school if you want your child to participate. Most days there will not be staff remaining at the school and the doors will be locked. We will leave a phone number to reach the group. Please call the number to the appropriate age group. For privacy reasons we don’t want to put the staff names beside their numbers.

-Please let the staff know if you are coming early to get your child in the afternoon. This way we can plan our walks or leave your child with the afternoon group at the school, so you do not have to track us down.

-Please continue to apply sunscreen before school, it was a huge time saver for staff on those few sunny days. We will reapply it at lunchtime.

-We will be sending clothing bags home soon to be restocked with season clothing. Please refill and return as soon as possible.

-The white bags on your child’s hooks need to be gone through as well, they only need 1 pair of shoes/slippers in there and a sun hat. All mittens and toques can go home as can artwork, rocks and other treasures that have been collected. We have noticed that they are bursting with miscellaneous items that are unneeded at school.

-Last day of school for the EA’s for the school boards is June 24

-Last day for kindergarten is Friday June 24, after that day we will be joining the main class for all activities.

-This is the last month for some of our older children to be attending Montessori. Some have been with us for a short time of 1-2 years and others have been here since their siblings came, 6+ years. We are excited for these children to go onto elementary school, but they will be missed dearly. Each is part of our Montessori family, and we know our paths will cross again within our community. We encourage drop-in visits if you’re in the neighborhood!

-To our families who are taking the summer off, going part-time or leaving for good, we appreciate your kindness and support over the past 10 months. It’s been another year of learning and growing and we are grateful that you have trusted your child(ren) to us and stuck with us through times of uncertainty and change. Thank you for everything!!

-Happy June everyone!

May 2022 is Here!

I am hoping that May will bring some much-needed sunshine and warmth so the children can get outside on a consistent basis, get rid of the pesky winter clothes and winter clothes and have fun!! I know these are on everyone’s wish list for May. The children have been patiently awaiting getting outside everyday. They did well with the on again, off again days of being inside and out.

Just a few notes:

-All summer and fall registration forms are returned and I may have a question here or there for parents regarding days this fall but it all looks good.

-Families are still able to apply for subsidy. There is no closing date for this. If your family status or work status changes you can apply whenever you like.

-We are closed for Victoria Day on Monday May 23rd, 2022.

-Developmental screenings are being finished up this month for many of the children. If you have any further questions, we will try our best to answer them. At this point, it is my understanding that anyone who has a summer birthday or September birthday will be screened when the school boards return in the fall.

-AHS has changed their service delivery. We are getting clarification on this and how it will affect our program.

-Music is over for the year because Nate took a new job and they have been unable to fill his position. Over the summer I will be on the hunt for a new music teacher. If anyone can recommend someone please let me know.

-The graduation is being worked on. It will be socially distanced grads like last year. More details to come as they are finalized.

-Please ask a staff member for your extra clothing bag, it may need to be restocked with /spring summer clothes. Many of the bags are empty at this point.

-The white bags on your child’s hooks need to be gone through as well, they only need 1 pair of shoes/slippers and a sun hat. Until the weather smartens up, I would leave a toque and mittens in the bags. Some of our walks have been quite chilly in the mornings and the wind can be cool along the river and the top of the berm.

-Please make sure your child has a labelled hat at school and a bottle of sunscreen (once the weather gets better).

-We have 2 new toddlers joining the program in May, with new little legs in the school this group of younger children will be using the backyard more often until they are more comfortable being at the school.

-Families using the subsidy system are still reminded to maintain hours through the summer to have full coverage; it is your responsibility to pay the difference.

-The school is closed August 1st-5th this year. We will be open the rest of the summer.

-Kickboxing will continue each Monday in May. We are looking into continuing this activity through the summer.

-Make sure your child has a full and healthy lunch. They have been working up an appetite on their morning walks and when they return at lunch they are famished!!

-We aim to leave for walks by 10:30am, please come on time to school if you want your child to participate. Most days there will not be staff remaining at the school and the doors will be locked. We will leave a phone number to reach the group. Likewise, when we walk in the afternoon the groups return around 2pm. If you need to come earlier to get your child, please let the staff know in the morning so we can keep your child at the school. This will avoid hunting the groups down if they are in a park and save you time in collecting them

Please keep checking back as any additional information will be added as needed for the month of May.

Have a wonderful month!

April Has Arrived

-We will be closed on Friday April 15th and Monday April 18th for the Easter holidays. If your child is going to be away over the Easter week please let staff know;

-I am hoping that we will be outside on these spring days. It’s been hard to guess how to dress because the mornings are quite cool and it has been such a mixed bag of weather. Please have a coat for morning walks that is warm. Many times when we venture out it is still only a few degrees out and chilly. Your child needs a coat, toque and mittens still, as well as boots for a few more days at least. We are tempting fate and sending all snow pants home. There will (hopefully) be no more need for them anymore!

-As the weather steadily warms up (fingers crossed) it is important that the children have good footwear for their daily outings. Many cute sandals and boots are not practical for the girls to walk in and cause blisters, socks and runners are best for everyone.

-I have all the registration forms back now (thank you) and will begin to input the information into our computer system. I will do my best to adjust all day changes and sibling requests. Families will be given registration packages once this is complete.

-Graduation will be planned shortly. We have 17 graduates this year. Once graduation is arranged, we will be sending home all the wonderful details.

-A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Mack for stepping in and helping out while Miss Garrecht was away from the school. We greatly appreciate you helping us out.

Have a great month everyone!!

Fall Screenings

As part of our preparations for the upcoming school year we will have a representative from both Medicine Hat Catholic and School District 76 come into the classroom and listen to the children’s speech and language. From there she may make suggestions for further screening. This screening is done at the school on a day that your child attends and it gives her a more formal 1-1 listen to your child as well as review other language skills with them.

Both divisions believe in early intervention and that if further services are needed it is best to set your child up with these services now to aid in their success in the coming years

If you receive a referral sheet from either of the School Districts, it means that they have been in and heard some sounds or articulation areas that she would like to follow up on. Quite often these tests reveal age-appropriate skills, and no further services are needed. However, there are cases that your child will need further speech services, all of which are done on site starting in September.

These tests also are dependant on your child’s birthday. They need to be 3 to be tested; therefore, some younger children with fall birthdays will not be screened until they turn 3 and they also depend how close they are to their birthdays. Sometimes they will opt to wait if your child has a summer/fall birthday. In other cases they screen them now and formally assess once they turn 3 so they have markers for progress.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Weimer for further information.