School Board Screenings

As part of our preparations for the upcoming school year we will have a representative from both Medicine Hat Catholic and School District 76 come into the classroom and listen to the children’s speech and language. From there she may make suggestions for further screening. This screening is done at the school on a day that your child attends and it gives her a more formal 1-1 listen to your child as well as review other language skills with them.

Both divisions believe in early intervention and that if further services are needed it is best to set your child up with these services now to aid in their success in the coming years

If you receive a referral sheet from either of the School Districts, it means that they have been in and heard some sounds or articulation areas that she would like to follow up on. Quite often these tests reveal age-appropriate skills, and no further services are needed. However, there are cases that your child will need further speech services, all of which are done on site starting in September.

These tests also are dependant on your child’s birthday. They need to be 3 to be tested; therefore, some younger children with fall birthdays will not be screened until they turn 3 and they also depend how close they are to their birthdays. Sometimes they will opt to wait if your child has a summer/fall birthday. In other cases, they screen them now and formally assess once they turn 3 so they have markers for progress.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Weimer or Miss Garrecht for further information.

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